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OortCloudX  begins with images of Tailleu de Corps - patterns for garments to be worn under armour - from Denis Diderot's Encyclopédie of the Sciences, Arts, and Crafts, we mix agriculture, library and laboratory.

A paper mural of a Trojan horse is a library of terra cotta representations of tools culled from Diderot. The Trojan horse is from an historic George Stubbs drawing and overlaid is Lucy, the Coney Island/Atlantic City wood hotel, built in the form of an elephant.

Our horse’s head is sheathed in an armour of tessellated terra cotta tiles derived from Diderot lithographic drawings. These drawings were lofted in software and imaged as unique relief topographies, then 3D printed for mold production.

Agriculture and its implements are covered by Diderot in his Encyclopédie. Above, the still-wet clay furrows (with accompanying prints of plows) are swelled by two horse eyes that are borrowed from our Trojan mare, which sits on the opposite gallery wall in its terra cotta armour.

Tailleu de Corps  

this terra cotta array are based on patterns for garments to be worn under French military armor.

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Tailleu de Corps pattern in terra cotta


24” h  16” w  x 1” d

60 cm h x 40 cm w x 6 2cm  d

Diderot corset_1a_SM.jpeg

Tailleu de Corps pattern in terra cotta


26” h.  16” w.  x 1” d

67 cm h. x 40 cm w. x 62cm d.

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Diderot craft tools in terra cotta, tar paper and rolled print

Altered drawings from Diderot's Encyclopédie were aggregated with original drawings by the artists and various 18th century engravings.


Lyrics from pop music (like "The Man Who Sold the World" by David Bowie) are among the collected artifacts which form this surrealist's library.

Drawing tree


drawings, photocopies, clothesline

The library of images. 


Clothesline, photocopies, tar paper, geotextile



OortCloudX    (John Roloff + Neil Forrest)



installation dimensions


38 m l x 6 m w x 6 m h

125’ l x 20’ w x 20’ h

exhibited at Furthermore Gallery,  OCAC + PNCA Studios, Portland, OR

solo exhibition 2017

Diderot/Forrest/Roloff  video of installation

3D printing + Rhino design by Julian Covey

© 2022 by Neil Forrest and John Roloff

Photography by Neil Forrest and John Roloff

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